congratulations / appointments

Orchard Hotel’s Guest Experience Manager Ms Chin Chooi Yen received a Token of Appreciation from Workforce Singapore. She is pictured with General Manager Mr Jean-Philippe Jacopin.

Orchard Hotel’s
Guest Experience
Recognised For
Career Mobility

Orchard Hotel was recently recognised for its support for Workforce Singapore’s Adapt & Grow programme, which aims to help local jobseekers plan for a career transition.

Orchard Hotel’s Guest Experience Manager Ms Chin Chooi Yen received a Token of Appreciation from Workforce Singapore for embracing career mobility, and is one successful case study of the Adapt & Grow programme.

Formerly a Leading Stewardess with Singapore Airlines for 17 years, she decided on a career switch, and joined the hotel’s Front Office team in July 2017. She had wanted to challenge herself and prove that she was able to adapt and do well in a different industry.

Despite coming from a slightly different service trade and culture, Ms Chin settled in well in her new role and with her new colleagues within a short span of time. She had a positive attitude towards the guidance and critiques received, and her supervisors have commented on her self-motivation and initiative to learn more about the hospitality industry and keep updated on product knowledge. She also brought with her an “esprit de corp” attitude (a feeling of pride and mutual loyalty) and is always ready to render assistance to her teammates.

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