
The hotel was a local Toys for Tots collection point and was able to fill three boxes full of brand new toys for disadvantaged children. Pictured above are Hotel Manager Mr Quentin Staker (2nd from left), Director of Sales and Marketing Ms Kristy Zebell (4th from right), Front Office Manager Mr Benny Thompson (2nd from right) and the sales team.
Harvest House
Partners With
Local Charities

The team at Millennium Harvest House Boulder has been reaching out to the local community and partnering with charities. The charitable efforts from the community, guests and hotel associates have been overwhelming. These are some of the charities that the property has generously given back to in the months leading up to the festive season.  

The team partnered with local food bank Community Food Share to help raise awareness on the hunger challenges, and helped to raise non-perishable food items thanks to the generosity of hotel associates and guests. Pictured above are Ms Zebell (left) and Catering Sales Manager Ms Heather Bohart with the collected donations.

Ms Zebell (left) and Human Resources Assistant Ms Amanda Messinger with a boxful of donated new socks, scarves, hats and gloves, that were collected as part of the Boulder Hotel and Motel Association’s Socktober campaign to provide knitwear for the homeless population during the colder months.
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